Wildlife Feature

Unusual prehistoric life (Phylogenetic tree) - Animals in the Fossil sites, and Biodiversity

Classified animal picture guide. Clicking the Organism name shows the images, and pointing the Organism name shows the tooltip with three links at the left-top corner.
The appearance of prehistoric life is more unusual than the extant species. Many of the reason why they were unusual has not been solved. The explanation in brackets is the ages they lived in extinct species. Note that Mya is million years ago. For example, "48.6~40.4 Mya" shows a range between 48.6 and 40.4 million years ago. The time range is shown in the Geological Time Table. The followings are a part of the Evolutionary Tree.
  • Kingdom Animalia
    • Phylum unresolved
      Phylum unresolved Amiskwia   (520~501 Mya; Cambrian monster), Tullimonstrum   (311.7~306.5 Mya; Tully monster)
    • Phylum Lobopodia
      Lobopodia Hallucigenia   (520~501 Mya)
    • Phylum Arthropod
      Anomalocaridid Anomalocaris   (530~501 Mya; 60cm), Hurdia   (513~501 Mya; 50cm)
    • Phylum Onychophora (Velvet worms)
      Velvet worms Diania cactiformis   (520~516 Mya; Walking cactus)
    • Phylum Chordate
      • Subphylum Vertebra
        • Infraphylum Gnathostomata (Jawed vertebrates)
          • Class Amphibia
            Primitive amphibia Ophiderpeton   (318.1~312 Mya; Snake-like amphibia), Phlegethontia   (307.1~305 Mya; Snake-like amphibia), Platyhystrix   (299~284 Mya; Large sail on back), Diplocaulus   (284~253.8 Mya; Body like arrow), Gerrothorax   (237~199.6 Mya; Extremely flat body)
          • Class Synapsida (Mammal-like reptiles)
            Mammal-like reptile Edaphosaurus   (302~272.5 Mya; Large sail on back), Dimetrodon   (290~272.5 Mya; Large sail on back), Estemmenosuchus   (270~265 Mya; Clumsy-looking with horn)
          • Class Sauropsida (Non mammal-like reptiles)
            • Subclass Anapsida (No arch near the temples)
              Turtle Owen's Ninja Turtle   (1.8~0.01 Mya; Large pair horns), Meiolania   (50~0.003 Mya; 2.5m)
            • Subclass Diapsida (Two arches near the temples)
              • Infraclass Lepidosauromorpha (Lizards, Snakes, Tuatara)
                Ancestors of
                Icarosaurus   (228~216.5 Mya; Wing-like glider), Kuehneosaurus   (216.5~199.6 Mya; Wing-like glider)
                Henodus   (228–220 Mya; Back like turtle), Psephoderma   (216.5~199.6 Mya; Back like turtle)
              • Infraclass Archosauromorpha (Crocodiles, Pterosaurs, Dinosaurs)
                Flying reptile Tupuxuara   (112~99.6 Mya; Large head crest), Tapejara   (112~99.6 Mya; Large head crest), Thalassodromeus   (112~99.6 Mya; Large head crest)
                Amored dino Stegosaurus   (155.7~99.6 Mya; Large plates on back), Dacentrurus   (155.7~145.5 Mya; Long spikes on back)
                Bird-hipped dino Ouranosaurus   (112~93.5 Mya; Large sail on back)
                Duck-billed dino Parasaurolophus   (83.5~65.5 Mya; Large cranial crest)
                Thick-headed dino Pachycephalosaurus   (83.5~65.5 Mya; Large thick head)
                Horned dino Chasmosaurus   (83.5~70.6 Mya; Large frill on head)
                Long-necked dino Mamenchisaurus   (175.6~99.6 Mya; Very long neck), Nigersaurus   (145.5~99.6 Mya; Unusual mouth), Erketu   (145.5~99.6 Mya; Very long neck), Agustinia   (112~99.6 Mya; Long spikes on back)
                Large predatory dino Spinosaurus   (150.8~70.6 Mya; Large sail on back)
          • Class Aves
            Primitive bird Baptornis   (89.3~70.6 Mya; Swimming bird with fin)
          • Class Mammalia
            • Subclass Theria (Wild animal)
              • Infraclass Eutheria (Placentals)
                Primitive elephant Deinotherium   (22.4~0.01 Mya; Hoe tusker), Gnathabelodon   (13.6~10.3 Mya; Spoon-billed Mastodon)
                Paenungulata Arsinoitherium   (40.4~23.03 Mya; Large pair of horns)
                Primitive armadillo Glyptodon   (3.6~0.01 Mya; 3m), Doedicurus   (3~0.01 Mya; 3.6m)
                Ground sloth Megatherium   (5.33~0.01 Mya; 8m), Eremotherium   (1.81~0.01 Mya; 6m)
                Rodent Phoberomys   (11.61~7.25 Mya; 3m), Eumegamys   (11.61~1.81 Mya; 3.5m), Castoroides   (1.8~0.01 Mya; 2.5m)
                Primitive whale Ambulocetus   (48.6~40.4 Mya; Crocodile-like mammal)
                Even-toed ungulate Daeodon   (37.2~16.3 Mya; Terrible hog), Aepycamelus   (20.6~4.9 Mya; Giraffe-like camel), Titanotylopus   (10.3~0.3 Mya; Giraffe-like camel), Hoplitomeryx   (11.6~3.6 Mya; Five-horned deer)
                Odd-toed ungulate Embolotherium   (37.2~33.9 Mya; Large flat horn)
                Saber-toothed cat Machairodus   (11.61~0.126 Mya; Huge tusks), Smilodon   (1.81~0.01 Mya; Huge tusks)