Wildlife History

Cambrian animals (Phylogenetic tree) - Animals in the Fossil sites, and Biodiversity

Classified animal picture guide. Clicking the Organism name shows the images, and pointing the Organism name shows the tooltip with three links at the left-top corner.
The Cambrian 1st era in Paleozoic spanned from 542 to 488 millon years ago. The Cambrian explosion made a change in life on Earth. An explosive increase in living thing. The explanation in brackets is the ages they lived in extinct species. Note that Mya is million years ago. For example, "48.6~40.4 Mya" shows a range between 48.6 and 40.4 million years ago. The italic and bold figures, e.g. 488, show out of the range. The time range is shown in the Geological Time Table. The followings are a part of the Evolutionary Tree.
Cambrian, Early Combrian, Middle Combrian, Late Combrian
The right map is the continents at Late Combrian provided by C. R. Scotese PALEOMAP Project.
  • Kingdom Plantae (Plant)
    • Phylum Chlorophyta (Green algae)
      Green algae Yuknessia   (542~501 Mya)
  • Kingdom Animalia
    • Phylum unresolved
      Unknown animal Tommotia   (542~513 Mya), Wiwaxia   (530~501 Mya), Facivermis   (520~516 Mya), Dinomischus   (520~501 Mya; Burgess shale), Amiskwia   (520~501 Mya; Cambrian monster), Eldonia   (520~501 Mya), Branchiocaris   (520~501 Mya), Echmatocrinus   (513~501 Mya; Burgess shale)
    • Subkingdom Parazoa
      • Phylum Porifera (Sponge)
        Sponge Choiaella (542~516 Mya), Archiasterella (542~510 Mya), Chancelloria (542~490 Mya), Hazelia (542~501 Mya), Choia   (542~391.9 Mya; GDying①), Leptomitus (530~501 Mya), Vauxia   (513~501 Mya)
    • Subkingdom Eumetazoa
      • Clade Radiata (Diploblastic - Two germ layers)
        • Phylum Cnidaria (Coral, Jelly fish)
          Jellyfish Ctenorhabdotus   (513~501 Mya)
        • Phylum Cnidaria (Coral, Jelly fish)
          Cnidarian Xianguangia   (542~516 Mya)
          Coral Mackenzia (513~501 Mya)
          Jellyfish Sphenothallus   (542~345 Mya; GDying①②), Inocaulis   (490~418.1 Mya; GDying①), Cambrorhytium (520~501 Mya)
          Hhydroid Rotadiscus   (542~516 Mya)
      • Clade Bilateria (Triploblastic - Three germ layers)
        • Clade Protostomia (First mouth)
          • Phylum Priapulida (Penis worms)
            Penis worm Palaeopriapulites (542~516 Mya), Corynetis   (542~516 Mya), Selkirkia (516~501 Mya), Fieldia   (513~501 Mya), Ancalagon   (513~501 Mya), Ottoia   (513~490 Mya)
          • Phylum Nematoda (Rround worms)
            Rround worm Cricocosmia   (530~516 Mya), Maotianshania   (530~516 Mya)
          • Phylum Lobopodia
            Lobopodia Luolishania   (542~516 Mya), Paucipodia   (542~516 Mya), Onychodictyon   (542~516 Mya), Cardiodictyon   (542~516 Mya), Microdictyon   (530~501 Mya), Hallucigenia   (520~501 Mya), Aysheaia   (513~501 Mya)
          • Phylum Onychophora
            Velvet worms Diania cactiformis   (520~516 Mya; Walking cactus)
          • Phylum Arthropoda (Trilobite, Insect, Crustacean)
            Anomalocaridid Anomalocaris   (530~501 Mya; 60cm), Kerygmachela   (530~516 Mya), Amplectobelua   (520~516 Mya), Parapeytoia   (520~516 Mya), Laggania   (513~501 Mya), Hurdia   (513~501 Mya; 50cm), Opabinia   (513~501 Mya), Laggania   (513~501 Mya)
            Arachnomorpha Parapaleomerus   (542~516 Mya), Skioldia   (542~516 Mya), Haikoucaris   (542~516 Mya), Fortiforceps   (542~516 Mya), Isoxys   (530~501 Mya), Leanchoilia   (520~501 Mya), Jianfengia   (520~501 Mya), Habelia   (513~501 Mya), Yohoia   (513~501 Mya), Forfexicaris   (513~501 Mya)
            Trilobite Agnostus   (530~466 Mya), Ceratopyge   (490~466 Mya), Pateraspis   (490~460.9 Mya), Redlichia   (530~501 Mya), Paradoxides   (530~501 Mya), Olenoides   (530~490 Mya), Peronopsis   (530~490 Mya), Kootenia   (530~490 Mya), Albertella   (530~490 Mya), Naraoia   (520~501 Mya), Dorypyge   (520~490 Mya), Sidneyia   (516~501 Mya), Ogygopsis   (516~488.3 Mya), Alokistocarella (516~488.3 Mya), Marrella   (513~501 Mya), Hedinaspis   (494~490 Mya)
            Paleomerus (542~516 Mya), Aglaspis   (501~490 Mya), Beckwithia   (501~488.3 Mya)
            Chelicerata Sanctacaris   (513~496 Mya)
            Crustacean Urokodia   (520~516 Mya), Waptia   (520~501 Mya), Canadaspis   (520~501 Mya), Odaraia   (520~501 Mya), Tuzoia   (516~501 Mya), Plenocaris   (513~501 Mya)
          • Phylum Bryozoa (Moss animals)
            Bryozoa Stictoporella (490~443.7 Mya; GDying①), Batostoma   (490~428.2 Mya; GDying①), Constellaria   (490~418.7 Mya; GDying①)
          • Phylum Brachiopoda (Lamp shells)
            Lamp shell Longtancunella (542~516 Mya), Lapworthella   (542~501 Mya), Acrothyra (542~488.3 Mya), Lingulella   (542~409 Mya; GDying①), Micromitra   (530~498.5 Mya), Rafinesquina   (490~426.2 Mya; GDying①), Strophomena   (490~391.9 Mya; GDying①)
          • Phylum Mollusca (Limpet, Snail, Slug, Octopus, Squid)
            Mollusc Halkieria   (542~513 Mya), Haplophrentis   (530~501 Mya), Odontogriphus (513~501 Mya)
            Hyolitha Hyolithes   (530~253.8 Mya; GDying①②), Hyoliths   (530~253.8 Mya; GDying①②)
            Chiton Matthevia (501~479 Mya), Chelodes   (501~412.3 Mya; GDying①)
            Monoplacophora Scenella (542~449 Mya), Tryblidium   (542~421.3 Mya; GDying①), Archinacella (501~445.6 Mya)
            Gastropoda Latouchella   (542~479 Mya), Pelagiella (542~479 Mya), Yochelcionella   (530~501 Mya)
            Cephalopod Plectronoceras   (501~490 Mya), Nectocaris   (505 Mya)
          • Phylum Annelida (Ringed worms)
            Ringed worm Vetustovermis   (520~516 Mya), Burgessochaeta   (513~501 Mya), Insolicorypha   (513~501 Mya), Serpulites   (490~388.1 Mya; GDying①)
        • Clade Deuterostomia (Second mouth)
          • Phylum Vetulicolia
            Vetulicolia Yuyuanozoon   (542~513 Mya), Xidazoon   (520~516 Mya), Banffia   (520~516 Mya), Didazoon   (520~516 Mya), Vetulicola   (520~513 Mya)
          • Phylum Hemichordata (Acorn worms)
            Graptolite Acanthograptus   (542~388.1 Mya; GDying①), Dictyonema   (501~383.7 Mya; GDying①), Callograptus   (501~345 Mya; GDying①②), Tetragraptus (490~449 Mya)
            Hemichordata Yunnanozoon   (520~516 Mya), Chaunograptus   (513~449.5 Mya), Nemagraptus   (501~457.5 Mya), Clonograptus   (490~473.9 Mya)
          • Phylum Echinoderm (Sea lily, Sea star, Brittle star, Sea urchin, Sea cucumber)
            Echinoderm Castericystis   (513~501 Mya), Ctenocystis   (513~501 Mya), Minervaecystis (501~466 Mya)
            Edrioasteroid Camptostroma   (516~513 Mya), Stromatocystites (513~501 Mya), Cambraster (513~501 Mya)
            Eocrinoidea Eocystites (530~490 Mya), Gogia   (516~501 Mya), Lyracystis (513~501 Mya), Sinoeocrinus   (513~501 Mya)
            Sea bud Lepidocystis   (516~299 Mya; GDying①②)
          • Phylum Chordata
            Chordata Haikouella   (542~513 Mya), Pikaia   (513~501 Mya)
            • Subphylum Vertebrata
              • Superclass Agnatha (Oldest fishes, Hagfish, Lamprey)
                Jawless fish Myllokunmingia   (520~516 Mya; Earliest fish), Haikouichthys   (535~520 Mya; Earliest fish)