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Early Triassic animals (Time series) - Wildlife in the Fossil sites

Classified animal and plant picture guide. Clicking the Organism name shows the images, and pointing the Organism name shows the tooltip with three links at the left-top corner.
The Early Triassic in Mesozoic spanned from 299 to 270 millon years ago. The explanation in brackets is the ages they lived in extinct species. Note that Mya is million years ago. For example, "48.6~40.4 Mya" shows a range between 48.6 and 40.4 million years ago. The italic and bold figures, e.g. 488, show out of the range. The time range is shown in the Geological Time Table. The followings are a part of the Evolutionary Tree.
Triassic, Early Triassic, Middle Triassic, Late Triassic
The right map is the continents at Early Triassic provided by C. R. Scotese PALEOMAP Project.
251 Mya
251~249.7 MyaMammal-like reptileEriciolacerta  , Galesaurus  
Marine reptileHovasaurus  
First frog fossil
251~245 MyaPrimitive turtleProcolophon  
LizardPaliguana   (Earliest Lepidosauromorpha)
ArchosaursKalisuchus, Tasmaniosaurus  , Chasmatosuchus  
Primitive amphibiaUranocentrodon  , Broomistega
251~216.5 MyaVascular plantPleuromeia  
251~199.6 MyaMarine reptileGrippia
Sea starAspiduriella
251~183 MyaSea urchinEodiadema
251~145.5 MyaCycadWilliamsoniella   (Great Dying④)
GinkgoPachypteris   (Great Dying④)
251~136.4 MyaFernEboracia   (Great Dying④)
251~99.6 MyaCycadOtozamites   (Great Dying④)
251~61.7 MyaSea lilyPentacrinus   (Great Dying④⑤)
249.7 Mya
249.7~245 MyaMarine reptileChaohusaurus  , Utatsusaurus  , Hupehsuchus  
Primitive amphibiaAphaneramma  
ShrimpLitogaster, Ambilobeia  
249.7~228 MyaMammal-like reptileCynognathus  
Marine reptileCymbospondylus  , Placodus  
249.7~203.6 MyaArchosaursPaleorhinus  
249.7~199.6 MyaShellMonotis
247.2~99.6 MyaCycadWilliamsonia   (Great Dying④)
249.7~70.6 MyaLungfishCeratodus   (Great Dying④)